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opportunity怎么读(英文单词 opportunity的短语搭配)

2023-10-25 大大的周 学习成长



机遇(Opportunity)是英文单词,读音为 [ˌɔ:pəˈtju:ni]。这个词起源于拉丁语中的词根opportunus,意为“适宜”或“有利”。在英文中,opportunity 代表了一种有利的时机或条件,可以用于获得成功或实现目标。









2、英文单词 opportunity的短语搭配

Opportunity knocks

Opportunity, a word that holds immense value in every individual's life. It is the chance to achieve success, create new experiences, and reach o* full potential. In the English language, there are numerous phrases that express the concept of opportunity. Let's explore some of the most common and powerful phrases related to "opportunity."

Seize the opportunity

When we say "seize the opportunity," we emphasize the need to take immediate action when a favorable chance arises. This phrase enco*ages individuals not to let opportunities slip away but to grasp them with all their might. It reminds us that opportunities often come unexpectedly, and it is crucial to be prepared to make the most of them.

Golden opportunity

"A golden opportunity" refers to an exceptionally advantageous or rare opportunity. Just like gold, it is precious and valuable. This phrase signifies the significance of recognizing and fully utilizing a special chance that may lead to great success or benefits. It enco*ages individuals to view such opportunities as unique and worth p*suing with great enthusia*.

Missed opportunity

Regret is often associated with a missed opportunity. When we say someone has encountered a "missed opportunity," it means they failed to take advantage of a favorable situation. This phrase serves as a reminder for individuals to learn from their past mistakes, to be more proactive, and to not let fut*e opportunities slip away.

Window of opportunity

The concept of a "window of opportunity" refers to a specific period that offers a good chance for achieving success. This phrase emphasizes the limited d*ation of an opportunity and the need to act swiftly before it closes. It reminds individuals to be attentive and ready to seize the right moment for taking action.

Embrace new opportunities

"Embrace new opportunities" enco*ages individuals to welcome and accept fresh chances that come their way. It emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and willing to step out of comfort zones. This phrase enco*ages personal growth and development by advocating for the exploration of new possibilities.

In conclusion, the English language offers a variety of phrases to express the concept of opportunity. Whether it is seizing, recognizing, or embracing opportunities, they all emphasize the importance of action, readiness, and positivity. Remember, opportunities are like doors – they only open for those who seek them. So, be alert, be prepared, and make the most of every opportunity that comes yo* way.

3、 oppportunity 的例句

Opportunity for Growth

Opportunity is a word that encompasses possibilities, chances, and favorable circumstances. It is a concept that holds the promise of progress and growth. In o* lives, we encounter numerous opportunities that shape o* experiences and outcomes.

Finding Opportunities in Challenges

Opportunities often arise from challenges and obstacles. They require us to think creatively and find solutions. For example, when faced with a difficult situation at work, we can either view it as a setback or an opportunity to learn and grow. By embracing challenges, we enhance o* skills and open doors to new possibilities.

Seizing Opportunities

Opportunities are not handed to us on a silver platter; we must actively seek and seize them. It requires awareness, determination, and a willingness to step out of o* comfort zones. Opportunities can come in the form of career advancements, personal development, or even unexpected encounters. By being open to new experiences and taking risks, we increase o* chances of success.

The Importance of Grasping Opportunities

Not all opportunities are equal, and it is essential to discern which ones align with o* goals and values. Sometimes, the fear of fail*e or uncertainty may hold us back from seizing opportunities. However, without taking risks, we limit o* growth potential. If we never embrace new opportunities, we may find o*selves stuck in a stagnant state, longing for progress and wishing for change.

The Ripple Effect of Opportunities

When we seize opportunities, the ripple effect extends beyond o*selves. Opportunities can inspire others and create a positive impact in various spheres of life. For instance, an entreprene* starting a business may create employment opportunities for others, contributing to economic growth. Similarly, a volunteer seizing an opportunity to help those in need can initiate a chain reaction of goodwill.

In conclusion, opportunity is an integral part of o* lives. It presents itself in various forms and requires us to take action. By embracing challenges, seizing opportunities, and recognizing their ripple effect, we can unlock o* true potential and foster personal and societal growth.


Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity, the chance for advancement or success, comes in many different forms and can arise in various situations. Here are some common phrases and idioms that highlight the fixed expressions with the word "opportunity".

1. Missed opportunity

Whenever we fail to seize a chance that could lead to a positive outcome, we can refer to it as a "missed opportunity". It often leaves us with regret and a feeling of what could have been. Remember, time and opportunities wait for no one.

2. Golden opportunity

A "golden opportunity" refers to a particularly advantageous or favorable chance that could lead to great success. It suggests that the opportunity is rare and should not be overlooked. When faced with a golden opportunity, one must grab it with both hands and make the most of it.

3. Window of opportunity

The phrase "window of opportunity" suggests a limited period d*ing which an opportunity is available. Just like a physical window, if you don't take advantage of it while it's open, it may close, and you may miss yo* chance. Timing is crucial in making the most of a window of opportunity.

4. Carpe diem

"Carpe diem" is a Latin phrase that means "seize the day". It *ges people to make the most of the present moment and take advantage of any opportunities that come their way. By embracing this mindset, one can live a life filled with richness and fulfillment.


In conclusion, opportunities are like doors that open and close throughout o* lives. Some are more enticing than others, and some require quick thinking and action. However, it is up to us to recognize and seize these opportunities when they arise. So, keep yo* eyes open, be prepared, and make the most of every chance that comes yo* way.


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