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2023-10-25 LECMS 百科小知识


How to say "New Year's Day" in English?

As a celebration of the beginning of a new calendar year, New Year's Day holds a special place in many cult*es. In English, we refer to January 1st as "New Year's Day." It marks the start of the new year and is observed with various traditions and festivities across the globe.

The Significance of New Year's Day

New Year's Day represents a time for reflection, renewal, and fresh starts. It is a day when people set resolutions and intentions for the upcoming year, both personally and professionally. It is also a time to cherish special moments with loved ones and express gratitude for the past year's experiences.

Traditions and Customs

People around the world celebrate New Year's Day in diverse ways. Fireworks, parties, and countdowns are common in many countries. In some cult*es, there are special meals and symbolic rituals to bring luck and prosperity for the coming year. For example, eating certain foods like lentils, grapes, or fish is believed to bring fortune and abundance.

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Day is often associated with making resolutions – personal goals or intentions for the year ahead. Many people strive to improve their health, career, relationships, or personal development. While resolutions can vary from person to person, the underlying theme is self-improvement and growth.

A Global Celebration

New Year's Day is a global celebration, uniting people from different backgrounds and cult*es. It is a time to set aside differences and embrace common aspirations for a better fut*e. It serves as a reminder of the shared humanity that binds us all together.


So, if you ever need to communicate about New Year's Day in English, simply refer to it as "New Year's Day." Take part in the worldwide celebration, reflect on the past, and set yo* intentions for the year ahead.


What is New Year's Day?

New Year's Day, also known as January 1st, is the first day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. It marks the beginning of a new year and is celebrated in many countries around the world. In most cult*es, it is a time for new beginnings, resolutions, and festivities.

The Significance of New Year's Day

New Year's Day holds significant cult*al, historical, and religious meaning. Traditionally, it is a time to reflect on the past year, set goals for the fut*e, and spend time with loved ones. It symbolizes a fresh start, offering individuals an opportunity to leave behind old habits and embrace new possibilities.

Global Celebrations

People celebrate New Year's Day in various ways across different countries and cult*es. In many Western countries, it is customary to gather with friends and family, have a festive meal, and watch fireworks displays at the stroke of midnight. In East Asian countries, such as China and Korea, the arrival of the new year is marked by traditional ceremonies, dragon dances, and colorful lantern festivals.

New Year's Resolutions

One popular tradition associated with New Year's Day is making resolutions. These are personal promises or goals individuals set for themselves in the coming year. Common resolutions include losing weight, exercising more, quitting *oking, or learning a new skill. While not everyone succeeds in keeping their resolutions, the act of setting goals can be motivating and inspiring.

Historical Origins

The celebration of New Year's Day has ancient roots. The concept of marking the beginning of a new year dates back to ancient Babylon, over 4,000 years ago. The Romans, too, celebrated the arrival of the new year with festivities honoring their god Janus, whose two faces symbolized transitions and beginnings. Over time, New Year's traditions evolved and merged with various cult*al practices to become what they are today.

A Time for Reflection and Celebration

New Year's Day is a time of reflection, celebration, and hope for a better fut*e. It is a chance to come together as a global community, regardless of cult*al differences, and embrace the opportunities that a new year brings. Whether it is through meaningful traditions, joyful gatherings, or personal resolutions, New Year's Day enco*ages us to seize the moment and make the most of the year ahead.


Appreciating the Beauty of a Painting

Art has always been an incredible form of human expression. Paintings, in particular, have the power to captivate us with their beauty, provoking emotions and evoking deep thoughts. One may encounter a painting that is so me*erizingly beautiful that it leaves an indelible mark on their soul; a painting that makes them stop in their tracks and stare in awe. So, how do we convey o* admiration for such a masterpiece in English?

What a Gorgeous Painting!

When faced with an exceptionally beautiful painting, words may fail to fully capt*e o* emotions. However, in English, we often use expressions like "What a gorgeous painting!" to convey o* appreciation for its beauty. These words express not only o* admiration but also convey a sense of wonder and amazement.

A Work of Art that Takes My Breath Away

Sometimes, a painting's beauty is so profound that it overwhelms us. We find o*selves speechless and unable to articulate the sheer magnificence before us. In such instances, we might simply remark, "This is a work of art that takes my breath away." This phrase signifies that the painting has left us in awe, unable to catch o* breath due to its extraordinary beauty.

A Masterpiece That Enchants the Senses

A truly remarkable painting possesses the ability to enchant o* senses. It can transport us to another world, evoke strong emotions, and captivate o* imagination. In English, we may describe such a painting as a "masterpiece that enchants the senses." This expression encapsulates the idea that the artwork has the power to engage and enthrall us on various levels.

Regardless of the words we use, it is important to remember that each person's perception of beauty is subjective. What one person finds me*erizing, another may not. However, when we are struck by the sheer beauty of a painting, we should not hesitate to express o* admiration and appreciate the artist's skill and creativity.

In conclusion, when faced with a remarkably beautiful painting, we can use expressions such as "What a gorgeous painting!" or "A work of art that takes my breath away" to convey o* awe and admiration. Remember, beauty is subjective, so let yo* emotions guide you and appreciate the art that speaks to yo* soul.


Chinese Traditional Festivals in English

China is a country rich in cult*e and tradition, and its traditional festivals are an integral part of its heritage. These festivals, which have been celebrated for cent*ies, hold great significance in Chinese society. Let's explore how some of these traditional festivals are referred to in English.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar, usually falling between January 21st and February 20th in the Gregorian calendar. D*ing this festival, people gather with their families, exchange red envelopes filled with money, light firecrackers, and enjoy various traditional foods, such as dumplings and rice cakes.

Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also called the Moon Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is a time for families to reunite and appreciate the full moon. Mooncakes, a traditional pastry filled with lotus paste or red bean paste, are a must-have d*ing this festival. People also enjoy various outdoor activities such as lantern parades and moon-gazing.

Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, known as Duanwu Festival in Chinese, is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It commemorates the poet Qu Yuan and his sacrifice. D*ing this festival, dragon boat races are held, where teams paddle in long narrow boats to the beat of drums. People also eat sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, known as zongzi, and hang up pouches of herbs to ward off evil spirits.

Qingming Festival

The Qingming Festival, also called Tomb-Sweeping Day, takes place on April 4th or 5th each year. It is a time for people to honor their ancestors by visiting their graves, cleaning the tombs, and making offerings of food and incense. The festival also marks the arrival of spring, and many people take the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities such as flying kites.

In conclusion, China's traditional festivals are a reflection of its rich history and cult*al heritage. These festivals hold great importance in Chinese society, promoting family unity, cult*al values, and a sense of national identity. Celebrating them not only connects people to their roots but also offers an opportunity for cult*al exchange and understanding between different countries and communities.


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